A place of peace and harmony.
Annie and Babies

Our heritage breed chickens are raised with no antibiotics or drugs of any kind and freely roam the property. Because we believe in doing things the natural way, we allow our hens to do all the work of hatching and raising their babies. Mothers teach chicks how to take their first drink of water and how to eat. They are with them all day long showing them how to be free-range chickens. There's nothing quite as wonderful as watching young babies explore the green grass, catch their first bug, and learn how to fly.
Our breeds of chickens include: Buff Orphington, Barred Holland*, Barred Rock, Langshan*, Ancona,* Delaware*, Buckeye*, Black Australorpe, Black Copper Maran, Wellsummer, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Gold Laced Wyandotte, New Hampshire Red*, Ameraucana, Speckeled Sussex. In addition, we are love our Welsh Harlequin andKhaki Campbell Ducks that provide us with great duck eggs. *Breeds that are on the critically endangered or endangered list of the American Livestock Conservancy.
Our breeds of chickens include: Buff Orphington, Barred Holland*, Barred Rock, Langshan*, Ancona,* Delaware*, Buckeye*, Black Australorpe, Black Copper Maran, Wellsummer, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Gold Laced Wyandotte, New Hampshire Red*, Ameraucana, Speckeled Sussex. In addition, we are love our Welsh Harlequin andKhaki Campbell Ducks that provide us with great duck eggs. *Breeds that are on the critically endangered or endangered list of the American Livestock Conservancy.
Scarlet Rose

Our Nubian and Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats produce sweet, creamy milk. They spend their days playing, jumping, climbing and napping in the great Florida sunshine and eat a healthy diet of grass, hay, and forage, as well as high quality grain (no animal by-products). In addition, they have a variety of nutritional "treats" such as carrots, apples, and other seasonal vegetables and fruits. Our goats are happy and robust with beautiful glossy coats, eyes bright and alert, well-maintained hooves, and are treated with love, respect, and kindness. All have names and individual personalities and greatly enjoy interacting with farm visitors.
Tony Llama

Tony Llama is our herd guardian and friend to all the goats and chickens. This gentle giant loves his job of watching over the animals and enjoys attention from farm visitors. When baby goats are born, Tony is always present--waiting patiently outside the birthing stall door. Within a few hours of birth, the babies are introduced to the llama and a strong bond is formed. Mother goats seem to know that Tony will always be around to help them raise their babies. What an amazing sight to see when a 450 pound llama gently sniffs and nuzzles a tiny baby goat!
Aiden and Daisy

Since all our goats are born here at the farm, they are immediately loved and cared for by all members of our farm family. Grandson Aiden is holding two day old Daisy, born to Bella the Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat. Within just an hour of birth, baby goats are already standing and learning how to walk around. By the end of the day, they are starting to get their "wiggles" as we say. There's nothing quite as entertaining as seeing these tiny kids learn how to jump, hop, and run. You can be sure their antics always attract attention and plenty of laughs!
New Born Heifer, Opal

Our purebred Dexter Cows provide great milk, with a high protein and butterfat content. Their diets consist of grass, high quality hay, and grain (at milking time). They are happy, healthy, and very mellow girls. All four cows are halter trained and will walk on a lead. These great, gentle girls love a nice bath with the garden hose and a good brushing--their idea of a day at the spa. We believe this type of training and trust is very important for the overall well-being of dairy cows as it ensures they are willing to be handled for vet visits, and of course, milking time.